Zephaniah Chapter 3 Summary
Jerusalem's moral state in time of Zephaniah. The coming Judgment of nations and kingdom blessing for restored Israel.
Discussion Questions for Zephaniah, Chapter 3
- Why does God describe the “judges” (HCSB) of Israel as “wolves of the night” (HCSB)? How does this reflect the corruption and perverted justice of their society? What are some examples of how judges in your society today practice corruption and are as “wolves” to the weak and vulnerable?
- Why does God yet again call out prophets and priests for their religious hypocrisy and impure worship? How do religious hypocrites impact society’s views of God and God’s people? How should you respond to religious leaders who lead others astray by their actions?
- What does verse 7 teach us about the nature of God's discipline and judgment? Does God punish simply for the sake of punishing? How have you seen God use corrective measures to bring you in closer relationship to Him?
- What level of grace do you see in verse 11? How is God able to redeem His people despite all of their wickedness? What are some instances in which God has forgiven you and not held your sin against you?
- How is it possible for Israel to “sing for joy” (HCSB) after all of the suffering they have endured? What does this teach us about the nature of God's redemption? How does this give you hope that such joy is possible after even the darkest of seasons in your life?
- Why does God expect meekness and humility from His people? How does that differ from the warring nations around Israel at the time? How can you reflect God's character by demonstrating humility, even when it is so countercultural today?
- Why is it important for God to remove the “proud, arrogant people” (HCSB) from Judah and Jerusalem? How does pride affect spiritual communities? In what ways have you seen pride become a stumbling block in your life?
- What kind of peace does verse 13 represent? Do you see any parallels to Psalm 23? How does God as shepherd bring you comfort and eliminate your fear?
- What is the significance of the phrase “I will give you fame and praise among all the peoples of the earth” (HCSB)? How does Israel as a nation give glory to God throughout the world? What impact does this verse have on modern missions? What part should you play in helping the nations give praise and glory to God?
- What is the importance of God as “refuge” (HCSB) in verse 12? How does this bring hope to the people of Israel after the devastation and suffering they experienced at the hands of their enemies? In what ways do you come to God as your refuge in your daily life?
Key Words/Phrase
Judgment of nations, v. 8. (Kingdom blessing, 14-20.)
Strong Verse(s)
8, 9, 17.