Zechariah Chapter 4 Summary
Vision of the golden candlestick and two olive trees. Zerubbabel designated to finish the temple.
Discussion Questions for Zechariah, Chapter 4
- What does the vision of the golden lampstands signify? Where else is this vision mentioned? Why is this significant?
- What are major themes noted in this chapter? How are they seen throughout the context of the whole Bible?
- What is significant about the inexhaustible supply of oil for the lampstands? What might this signify? How does this encourage us?
- How does the Lord exhort Zerubbabel in verse 6? How does this statement encourage us? What are ways that we can depend on the Spirit?
- The Lord ensures that “before Zerubbabel you will become a plain.” What does the plain signify? How does this reflect God's sovereignty in completing the Temple?
- How might God’s Spirit of aid for rebuilding the Temple encourage us today? In what ways do we need God’s aid in all things?
- (See Ezra 3:12–13) Why did people despise the rebuilding of the Temple? How is God's comfort to His people evident in verse 10? How does this encourage the people who opposed the Temple?
- Would you say that the people’s reservations about rebuilding the Temple were justified? Why or why not?
- God consistently calls Zerubbabel to persevere in building the Temple. What can we glean from this? What is our motivation to persevere in work for the Lord?
- What is the significance of “grace” in verse 7? How does this aid in giving us an understanding of the overarching theme of Zechariah?
Key Words/Phrase
Temple's completion, v. 9.
God, Holy Spirit, Zechariah, Zerubbabel, Joshua, the angel.
Strong Verse(s)
6 (b).