Zechariah Chapter 4 Summary

Vision of the golden candlestick and two olive trees. Zerubbabel designated to finish the temple.

Discussion Questions for Zechariah, Chapter 4

  1. What does the vision of the golden lampstands signify? Where else is this vision mentioned? Why is this significant?
  2. What are major themes noted in this chapter? How are they seen throughout the context of the whole Bible?
  3. What is significant about the inexhaustible supply of oil for the lampstands? What might this signify? How does this encourage us?
  4. How does the Lord exhort Zerubbabel in verse 6? How does this statement encourage us? What are ways that we can depend on the Spirit?
  5. The Lord ensures that “before Zerubbabel you will become a plain.” What does the plain signify? How does this reflect God's sovereignty in completing the Temple?
  6. How might God’s Spirit of aid for rebuilding the Temple encourage us today? In what ways do we need God’s aid in all things?
  7. (See Ezra 3:12–13) Why did people despise the rebuilding of the Temple? How is God's comfort to His people evident in verse 10? How does this encourage the people who opposed the Temple?
  8. Would you say that the people’s reservations about rebuilding the Temple were justified? Why or why not?
  9. God consistently calls Zerubbabel to persevere in building the Temple. What can we glean from this? What is our motivation to persevere in work for the Lord?
  10. What is the significance of “grace” in verse 7? How does this aid in giving us an understanding of the overarching theme of Zechariah?

Key Words/Phrase

Temple's completion, v. 9.


God, Holy Spirit, Zechariah, Zerubbabel, Joshua, the angel.

Strong Verse(s)

6 (b).