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  • Zechariah, Chapter 1: Zechariah's symbolic visions, warning of Jehovah's displeasure with the nations.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 2: Visions of Zechariah. Jerusalem in the kingdom age.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 3: Visions of Zechariah. Joshua and Satan before the angel of the Lord. Jehovah's servant. The Branch.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 4: Vision of the golden candlestick and two olive trees. Zerubbabel designated to finish the temple.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 5: Vision of the flying roll and the ephah.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 6: Vision of the four chariots. The symbolic crowning of Joshua.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 7: The mission from Babylon, and Jehovah's answer to the question of fasts. Why prayer was not answered.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 8: Jehovah's unchanging purpose to restore Jerusalem and bless Israel in the Kingdom
  • Zechariah, Chapter 9: Burden upon the cities surrounding Palestine. Christ presented as King-Savior in His first advent.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 10: The future strengthening of Judah and Ephraim. Israel's dispersion and regathering in one view.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 11: First advent of Christ foretold and His rejection. God's wrath against Israel as the result. The rise of anti-Christ and his judgment.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 12: Jerusalem's coming siege by the Beast and his armies. Deliverance of Judah by the Lord Himself. The Spirit poured out and the pierced One recognized.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 13: Repentant remnant of Israel in the last days. Refined by great tribulation. Israel again restored to God's favor.
  • Zechariah, Chapter 14: The return of Christ. Armageddon. The changes in Palestine. The kingdom established on earth.