Song of Songs - Chapter-8

Chapter Summary

The affections between the Bridegroom and His Bride.

Discussion Questions for Song of Songs, Chapter 8

  1. In verse 1, the woman expresses her desire for her beloved to be like a brother to her. How can we understand the unique bond and intimacy between the couple, and how might this type of closeness enhance our relationships with our own spouses?
  2. Reflecting on verse 4, the woman declares that she has found favor in the eyes of her beloved. How important is it to feel cherished and valued in a relationship? How can we show appreciation and affection to our spouses?
  3. In verse 6, the woman speaks of love being as strong as death. How can we explore the depth and intensity of love, and how might this comparison with death influence our understanding of commitment and devotion in relationships?
  4. Verse 7 warns against disturbing or awakening love until it pleases. In what ways can patience in our relationship with our spouses enhance that relationship?
  5. In verses 8-9, the woman's brothers are described guarding her. In what ways can a family protect and provide boundaries for its members? How can this be a blessing to the family?
  6. Verse 10 mentions the woman's vineyard being at her disposal. How can we reflect on the significance of the vineyard as a symbol of growth, abundance, and nurture? How we can cultivate and invest in the shared aspects of our relationships?
  7. In verses 11-12, the lover is approached by the woman who asks him to make haste like a gazelle or a young stag. How do you interpret this plea for urgency and passion in pursuing love, and what can we learn about the vitality and excitement that should characterize our romantic connections?
  8. Verse 13 poetically describes the sounds of birds announcing the arrival of spring. How can we appreciate the beauty and symbolism of nature in relation to love and new beginnings?
  9. According to verse 14, the woman calls for her beloved to show himself like a gazelle or a young stag on the mountains of spices. How can we interpret this imagery of reunion and longing for the presence of a loved one, and reflect on the anticipation and joy that come with being reunited with those we cherish?
  10. Verses 8-14 conclude with a celebration of the couple's love and the beauty of their relationship. In what ways does this description of love inspire you? What do you believe it says about devotion, unity, and joy in our relationships?

Key Words/Phrase

Love, v. 7.


Solomon, Bride (Christ, Church).

Strong Verse(s)