Song of Songs - Chapter-7

Chapter Summary

Further description of the beauties of the Bride.

Discussion Questions for Song of Songs, Chapter 7

  1. Song of Solomon Chapter 7 vividly describes the physical beauty of the Shulammite woman. How does this imagery of beauty relate to the concept of holiness in the Christian life? How does God cultivate inner beauty and holiness in your own heart and character?
  2. The bridegroom's admiration for the Shulammite woman's beauty is expressed in intimate detail in Song of Solomon Chapter 7. How does this reflect Christ's deep love and affection for his bride, the Church?
  3. The imagery in Song of Solomon Chapter 7 portrays the Shulammite woman as a source of delight and pleasure to her beloved. How does this reflect God's delight in his people? What are some ways in which God takes pleasure in you as his beloved child?
  4. Song of Solomon Chapter 7 also includes descriptions of natural beauty, such as gardens, fruits, and trees. How does this imagery reflect the beauty of God's creation? What is the importance of stewardship and appreciation for the natural world as expressions of gratitude to the Creator?
  5. The intimacy between the bridegroom and the Shulammite woman in Song of Solomon Chapter 7 reflects the deep longing for intimacy with God. How does this imagery deepen your understanding of spiritual intimacy with God?
  6. The Shulammite woman finds contentment and satisfaction in the love of her beloved. How does this reflect the Christian's call to find fulfillment and satisfaction in God alone? What are areas of your life where you may be seeking fulfillment outside of God's love, and how you can find true contentment in him?
  7. Song of Solomon Chapter 7 describes the abundant fruits and delights of the garden. How does this imagery reflect the spiritual fruits and blessings that God desires to produce in your life?
  8. The imagery of the garden in Song of Solomon Chapter 7 may also symbolize the unity and harmony of the Church. How does this imagery inspire you to pursue unity and reconciliation within the body of Christ? What are some practical ways you can promote unity and build community within your Christian fellowship?
  9. Ultimately, Song of Solomon Chapter 7 celebrates the power of love to transform and enrich our lives. How does God's love for you inspire and empower you to love others?
  10. As you reflect on the beauty and love depicted in Song of Solomon Chapter 7, take a moment to express gratitude to God for his love and faithfulness. How does your reflection on God's love lead you to worship and praise him?

Key Words/Phrase

Beauty, v. 1.


Solomon, Bride (Christ, Church).

Strong Verse(s)