Song of Songs - Chapter-6

Chapter Summary

The Bridegroom applauds the beauty of the Bride, preferring her before all others.

Discussion Questions for Song of Songs, Chapter 6

  1. The opening verses of Song of Solomon Chapter 6 speak of the Shulammite woman's beauty and the admiration of both the bridegroom and the maidens. How does this imagery of unity and admiration among the community reflect the importance of unity in the body of Christ? How can you foster unity and mutual respect within your Christian community?
  2. Song of Solomon Chapter 6 describes the Shulammite woman's return to her beloved, transformed and renewed. How does her journey of growth and transformation parallel our own spiritual journey? What are some areas where you sense God's invitation to grow and change, and how you can cooperate with his work of transformation in your life?
  3. The bridegroom's pursuit of the Shulammite woman in Song of Solomon Chapter 6 reflects God's relentless pursuit of us. How does this imagery deepen your understanding of God's love and pursuit of each individual soul? Can you recall moments when you have experienced God's pursuit, and how did you respond to His invitation?
  4. The Shulammite woman returns to her beloved with a repentant heart, seeking reconciliation after their separation. How does this teach us about the importance of repentance and reconciliation in our relationship with God?
  5. The bridegroom expresses delight in the beauty and character of his beloved in Song of Solomon Chapter 6. How does this reflect God's delight in his people? What are some ways in which God sees and values you as his beloved child?
  6. Despite the challenges and trials faced by the Shulammite woman, she remains faithful to her beloved. How does her example of faithfulness inspire you to deepen your commitment to Christ?
  7. The Shulammite woman's return to her beloved is met with celebration and affirmation. How does this imagery reflect the believer's identity in Christ as beloved and cherished? How does your identity as a beloved child of God shape your sense of worth and purpose?
  8. Song of Solomon Chapter 6 describes the Shulammite woman as a garden enclosed, a spring shut up, and a fountain sealed. How does this imagery reflect the importance of guarding our hearts and minds in Christ? What are some ways you can cultivate a heart that is pure and set apart for God's purposes?
  9. The maidens in Song of Solomon Chapter 6 express their admiration for the Shulammite woman's beauty. How does this teach us about the importance of bearing witness to God's love and beauty through our lives?
  10. Ultimately, Song of Solomon Chapter 6 points to the power of love to transform and enrich our lives. How does God's love for you inspire and empower you to love others? What are some practical ways you can live out the love of Christ in your daily interactions and relationships?

Key Words/Phrase

My love, v. 4.


Solomon, Bride (Christ, Church).

Strong Verse(s)