Song of Songs - Chapter-1

Chapter Summary

The Bride and Bridegroom in joyful communion.

Discussion Questions for Song of Songs, Chapter 1

  1. As you read Song of Solomon chapter 1, do you find yourself drawn to any particular lines or images? Why do you think those resonate with you?
  2. Reflect on your own experiences of love and desire. How do they compare to the emotions expressed in Song of Solomon chapter 1?
  3. The Song of Solomon is often interpreted allegorically, with the lovers representing the relationship between God and humanity. How does this interpretation resonate with you?
  4. Song of Solomon chapter 1 is filled with expressions of longing and desire between the lovers. How do you understand the nature of desire as depicted in this chapter?
  5. Reflect on the role of longing in your own life. What do you long for, and how does that shape your actions and relationships?
  6. Whether or not you interpret the Song of Solomon allegorically, reflect on the spiritual themes present in Chapter 1. How do the expressions of love and desire in this chapter deepen your understanding of God?
  7. How might the themes and messages of Chapter 1 inform your approach to love and relationships in your own life?
  8. Beauty is a recurring theme in Chapter 1, with the lovers admiring each other's physical appearance. How significant do you think the role of physical attraction is in romantic relationships? Why?
  9. Reflect on the deeper meanings behind the imagery, such as the references to gardens, perfumes, and precious stones. How do these symbols enhance your understanding of love and intimacy?
  10. Consider how societal standards of beauty influence our perceptions of ourselves and others. How do you navigate the tension between societal ideals and personal preferences in matters of attraction?

Key Words/Phrase

Love, v. 2.


Solomon, Bride (Christ, Church).

Strong Verse(s)