Ruth Chapter 4 Summary

Ruth finds reward in her marriage to Boaz.

Discussion Questions for Ruth, Chapter 4

  1. How does Boaz win the right to be the kinsman redeemer? What does he gain or lose by taking on this role?
  2. How is love shown in this story, between the main characters? What does that teach us about the nature of love?
  3. This chapter emphasizes the importance of continuing a family name (vv. 5, 10). Why was this so? How important is that for Christians today and why?
  4. What is the significance of the mention of Tamar in the blessing given to Ruth?
  5. What is the significance of Ruth the Moabite being mentioned in the genealogy in Matt 1?
  6. What does Ruth’s story tell you about God’s character? What do you learn about human responsibility?
  7. In what way does the author show that this is Naomi’s story and Israel’s story, although the book is named after Ruth? What does this teach us about God, his plan of salvation, and our life in community as Christians?
  8. Considering the plight of Ruth and Naomi in Chapter 1, what did it take for the women’s future to be settled? Where can you see the interaction of God's sovereignty and human action?
  9. What is the purpose of the genealogy given in this chapter? What can we learn about our human condition as we see many people looking for their roots today? What would you say to someone who cannot find a sense of family belonging because they are adopted or abandoned?
  10. What do you think Ruth might say if she was asked to give her testimony of becoming part of God’s covenant community? What is your story? How can you trace God’s hand at work in your story?

Key Words/Phrase

Kinsman redeemer, v. 1.


God, Boaz, Ruth, Naomi, kinsman, Obed.

Strong Verse(s)