Romans Chapter 8 Summary

The new law of the Holy Spirit in the believer, giving deliverance from sinful nature. The full result of the Gospel in the believer and his security.

Discussion Questions for Romans, Chapter 8

  1. What does it mean to you to hear “there is now no condemnation” (HCSB) if you are in Christ? What were you condemned to before you came to Christ? How does Christ change your spiritual state?
  2. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in your life? How does He empower you to work and make daily decisions?
  3. What does Paul mean when he says “the Spirit of adoption” (HCSB)? What does adoption have to do with the Gospel? In what ways could you compare earthly adoption to spiritual adoption?
  4. Why do suffering and glory go hand in hand in this passage? What role does suffering play in your life? How does suffering help you identify more with Jesus?
  5. How is being under the obligation of the Spirit different from being under the obligation of the flesh? Does this remind you of Jesus stating that His yoke is easy and light? How do these things correlate in your mind?
  6. Why can Paul say that our earthly suffering is “nothing” (HCSB) compared to the glory that will be revealed to us? How does this promise help you embrace and endure suffering in this life?
  7. How many references to labor and adoption can you find in this passage? Why do you think Paul used these specific analogies to explain our coming glorification?
  8. What does it mean when Paul says that all creation “groans” (HCSB)? How do the things God has created teach us about his eternal purposes for His creation? What does that teach you about God?
  9. Why does Paul compare sin to slavery (HCSB)? In what ways does sin captivate our minds and choices? How do you stay liberated from sin in your own life?
  10. How does knowing that “if God is for us, who can be against us?” (HCSB) encourage you to keep going in your life? What does this say about God's power to operate in your circumstances?

Key Words/Phrase

Made free, v. 2.


Jesus, Holy Spirit, Paul.

Strong Verse(s)

1, 2, 14, 16, 18, 26, 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 39.