Romans Chapter 6 Summary

Deliverance from the power of indwelling sin by counting the old life dead, and yielding to the new life.

Discussion Questions for Romans, Chapter 6

  1. How would you describe being “dead to sin” (HCSB)? In what ways do you guard against being overcome by sin? What are practical steps you can take to live a life apart from sin?
  2. How does Paul connect baptism with the resurrection of Jesus in verses 3–4? How does baptism symbolize transformation? In what ways has your life been transformed from being baptized with Christ?
  3. According to verse 4, we are raised to “walk in a new way of life” (HCSB). What does it mean for you to truly walk in a new way of life?
  4. If we are dead to sin but alive to God, what does this mean for the everyday decisions that you have to make? In what ways does this teach you that salvation is a work of God and not of your own effort?
  5. What does it mean to be “enslaved to sin” (HCSB)? In what ways were you enslaved to sin before you came to Christ? How have you found liberty from that enslavement?
  6. How do you resist sin and temptation at your weakest moments? What encouragement does Paul give in this passage to continue to live a righteous life in Christ?
  7. How are we “united with Christ” (HCSB) in the resurrection? How does the truth of the resurrection shape our identity in Christ? What is your understanding of the “resurrection” (HCSB) that Paul is talking about here?
  8. What is the significance of Paul using a “human analogy” in verse 19? How does Paul's use of analogy correspond with the way Jesus taught? What does this tell you about the best way for us to understand and apply Scripture?
  9. How significant is the truth presented in verse 23? Compare and contrast sin vs. eternal life. How does this motivate you to live righteously? How does this motivate you to share the Gospel with the lost?
  10. How would you describe “sanctification” (HCSB)? What does that process look like in your own life? How does God use sanctification to lead us to eternal life?

Key Words/Phrase

Dead to sin, v. 2.


God, Christ, Paul

Strong Verse(s)

3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 16, 22, 23.