Romans - Chapter-3

Chapter Summary

The common guilt of both Jew and Gentile. Justification by faith, not by the law.

Discussion Questions for Romans, Chapter 3

  1. What was the purpose of circumcision in the Old Testament? How is circumcision viewed in the New Testament? How does a physical act become symbolic of a spiritual act upon the heart?
  2. Explain how our unrighteousness shows the righteousness of God? What does God righteousness expose in your own life? How do you deal with the weight of this holy standard?
  3. Consider Paul's questions is God unrighteous in executing wrath? Explain why? How can God be righteousness and yet withhold his wrath from sinners?
  4. How would you explain Paul's quote in verses 10, taken from Psalm 14? What does this teach us about scirpture speaking to scripture?
  5. If no one can understand or seek God on their own, how do we have hope? What allows us to seek and understand God?
  6. Consider the description Paul gives in verses 12-18 about those who have turned aside. What does this look like in the world today? How would you describe your own turning away from God?
  7. Paul speaks of the Law in verse 19-20, what is its purpose? Why does the law apply to Jews and Gentiles?
  8. How would you define redemption? How is more than a free ticket to heaven? What has redemption looked like in your own life?
  9. What does Paul mean by propitiation by his blood? According to Paul what has the blood of Christ done for us?
  10. Based on your understanding how does the grace and the law work together? Are they both necessary or do you only need one? Explain why?

Key Words/Phrase

All under sin, v. 9.


God, Jesus.

Strong Verse(s)

4, 10, 11, 12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.