Romans Chapter 14 Summary
Law of love concerning doubtful things.
Discussion Questions for Romans, Chapter 14
- How would you define someone who was “weak in the faith” (HCSB)? Why is it important to consider others’ needs before our own, especially within the Body of Christ?
- How can we avoid judging others for things that are minor in nature? Why are we so prone to judge others? How do you keep yourself humble and prevent yourself from judging others because they might be “weak” in the faith?
- Why do you think Paul calls for grace in regards to the personal convictions of other Christians? How does this underscore the need for unity in diversity within the Church?
- Paul is clearly addressing a problem of brothers and sisters criticizing each other over trivial matters. Why do you think critical spirits are so easy to develop in the Church? In what ways are you tempted to judge or criticize others for the way that they express their faith?
- In what ways might you cause another brother or sister to “stumble” (HCSB) in their faith? What are some specific examples happening in this chapter that were causing others to stumble?
- How can you promote peace and build others up in your Church? What does that practically look like for you?
- How deep should our commitment be to not “do anything that causes your brother to stumble” (HCSB)? In what ways does this reflect the ultimate level of humility? How does this compare to the posture that Jesus displays for us?
- What is Christ’s example of sacrifice? In what ways are we called to emulate His example? What are some specific ways in which you can display sacrifice to those around you?
- If the chief end of man is to glorify God, then how do we live a life where we are daily bringing glory to God? How does bringing glory to God prevent us from bringing glory to ourselves or our own name?
- How do we balance freedom of convictions with our responsibility towards others? What are specific things you can think of that might cause another to stumble, and how would you approach that topic?
Key Words/Phrase
Judging, vv. 4, 10.
God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul.
Strong Verse(s)
4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 17.