Choose a chapter to view the questions

  • Romans, Chapter 1: Words of comfort to the church at Rome. The universe a revelation of the power and deity of God. The deplorable condition of a lost world.
  • Romans, Chapter 2: The equal standing of Jew and Gentile before the justice of God. Morality apart from Christ useless as means of salvation. Jews knowing the law condemned by the law.
  • Romans, Chapter 3: The common guilt of both Jew and Gentile. Justification by faith, not by the law.
  • Romans, Chapter 4: Abraham justified by faith, not works. Justifying faith defined.
  • Romans, Chapter 5: The results of justification. Life and righteousness through Jesus Christ.
  • Romans, Chapter 6: Deliverance from the power of indwelling sin by counting the old life dead, and yielding to the new life.
  • Romans, Chapter 7: The conflict of the flesh with the spiritual nature. Impossibility of victory through the law.
  • Romans, Chapter 8: The new law of the Holy Spirit in the believer, giving deliverance from sinful nature. The full result of the Gospel in the believer and his security.
  • Romans, Chapter 9: Covenants of Israel not set aside by Gospel. The seven-fold privilege of Israel. The blinding of Israel and God's mercy to the Gentiles.
  • Romans, Chapter 10: Israel's failure explained by unbelief. The plan of salvation.
  • Romans, Chapter 11: A spiritual Israel finding salvation. National Israel blinded. Warning to Gentiles. Israel yet to be saved nationally.
  • Romans, Chapter 12: Christian life and service. Consecration to Christ.
  • Romans, Chapter 13: Believer's attitude toward civil government. Law of love toward neighbors.
  • Romans, Chapter 14: Law of love concerning doubtful things.
  • Romans, Chapter 15: Jewish and Gentile believers under one salvation. Paul speaks of His ministry and coming journey.
  • Romans, Chapter 16: The outflow of Christian love. Closing salutations and benediction.