Revelation Chapter 6 Summary
The opening of the seals.
Discussion Questions for Revelation, Chapter 6
- Six of the seven seals are opened in chapter 6. What do you think each of these symbolizes? What role do they play in God's redemptive plan?
- Read Matthew 24. What connections can you make? How does Jesus’ description of the end times help interpret Revelation?
- A quart of wheat was enough for one person for one day, and a denarius was the wage of a laborer. Why is this an issue? How can we advocate for fair wages in our community?
- Why would Jesus break these seals if they were going to bring so much death and destruction? How might this affect the way you evangelize with your loved ones?
- Read Exodus 29. What connections can you make between that passage and verses 9–11? What testimony have you been given? Would you be willing to share it at the cost of your life?
- It is important to remember that in every age, people have given their lives for the sake of the Gospel since Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. Would you be willing to give your life for the sake of the Gospel? What have you given up for the sake of the Gospel?
- What are some causes worth dying for? What makes them worth dying for? How can we use the Word of God to help us draw the line in this matter?
- The people found in verses 15 and 16 seemingly knew about the Lord, but did not want to face Him. What other passages of Scripture can you connect this with? Why might a person who knows about the Lord not want to face Him?
- What do you notice about the phrase, “The wrath of the Lamb” (verse 16, CSB)? Why does this seemingly docile animal have so much wrath? Is Jesus full of wrath? Why or why not?
- Answer the question found in verse 17 (CSB): “Who is able to stand?” Will you be able to stand? Why?
Key Words/Phrase
Day of wrath, v. 17.
Christ, John.
Strong Verse(s)