Revelation Chapter 5 Summary
Vision of the seven sealed books. Christ seen in His Kingly character. Angels, elders and living creatures exalt the Lamb who is King.
Discussion Questions for Revelation, Chapter 5
- What is the significance of the scroll sealed with seven seals in Revelation 5? What is inside this scroll? Why is it important for understanding God's plan?
- Why do you think John reacted the way he did? Why was this such a big deal to him?
- In verse 5, John hears about the Lion, but then sees one like a slaughtered lamb. How did the Jews of Jesus’ time expect the Messiah to arrive? How did he actually arrive? Why do you think the Lord planned it this way?
- “The Lion from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered…” (verse 5 CSB). Where have we seen the word “conquer” so far? Are we able to conquer on our own? Why or why not?
- Why do we need to abide in Christ in order to conquer? What does it look like to abide in Christ? What reward will we get?
- Why was Jesus able to purchase everyone with his blood? Why did it have to be Him?
- Verse 9 says that every tribe, language, people, and nation is welcome into the kingdom of God. What unreached people group can you be praying for today? Are you willing to commit to pray for an unreached people group every day?
- Do you pray enough to fill up one of the golden bowls? How can you increase your prayer life?
- What does it mean when it says that God has made all believers into priests (verses 9–10)? What roles did priests have in ancient Israel?
- Read Philippians 2:10-11. Since every creature will one day praise the Lord, why should we obey Him and worship Him today?
Key Words/Phrase
Sealed book, v. 1.
God, Christ, John, strong angel, elders, four creatures.
Strong Verse(s)
9, 10, 12.