Revelation Chapter 4 Summary
Things which shall be. Vision of the throne in heaven, the enthroned elders, the four living creatures and their worship with the elders because of creation.
Discussion Questions for Revelation, Chapter 4
- Then I saw and After this I looked (and similar phrases) are very common phrases in the book of Revelation from this point on. What significance does this have both in John's vision and in the literary context? Do you think that the book of Revelation is told from a symbolic point of view, or from a literal point of view? Why? How might this interpretive decision impact the meaning of the text?
- What imagery is used to describe God’s throne in Revelation 4? What does it convey about His majesty?
- How does the description of the heavenly throne room in Revelation 4 differ from earthly concepts of kingship and authority?
- What does proper worship look like in Heaven? How can we replicate this here on the Earth?
- Read Ezekiel chapters 1 and 10. What parallels do you see? What differences do you see? Why is reading and understanding Ezekiel vital for understanding Revelation 4?
- Read Isaiah 6. What parallels do you see? What differences do you see? Why is reading and understanding Isaiah vital for understanding Revelation 4?
- Who do you think the elders in this chapter are? What might the number 24 signify?
- What does it mean when the elders were casting down their crowns? How can we maintain a similar posture?
- Why is the Lord worthy to receive praise? What has He done in your life to deserve your praise?
- “…you have created all things and by your will they exist and were created” (verse 11 CSB). With this in mind, how do people who were created by God and yet deny Him still glorify Him anyway?
Key Words/Phrase
Things coming to pass, v. 1.
Christ, Holy Spirit, John, 24 elders.
Strong Verse(s)