Revelation Chapter 3 Summary

Message to Sardis concerning their hypocrisy. Message to Philadelphia on hollow profession. Message to Laodicea on apostasy. Christ's attitude to the Church in its final stage in the world.

Discussion Questions for Revelation, Chapter 3

  1. What is the lesson we should learn from the church in Sardis? How can this be related to your own personal life? What about your local church?
  2. The church at Sardis was known for being alive, but Christ considered them dead. How does Jesus identify spiritually dead people and churches?
  3. Why is relying on a person's own works problematic? What Scriptures can you use to prove your answer?
  4. Verse 5 (CSB) says that Jesus will never erase a person's name from the book of life if he or she conquers. What does it mean to conquer? Is this implying that Jesus might be willing to erase a person's name from the book of life in some cases? Why or why not?
  5. What is the lesson we should learn from the church in Philadelphia? How can this be related to your own personal life? What about your local church?
  6. “I am coming soon,” Jesus says in verse. Why is it important to have this mentality today? What does it look like to have this mentality today?
  7. Throughout history, God has chosen the weakest, smallest, most insignificant people to carry out His biggest plans. How have you seen this play out in the lives of you or a loved one?
  8. What is the lesson we should learn from the church in Laodicea? How can this be related to your own personal life? What about your local church?
  9. Laodicea was known for having two springs nearby, one cold and one hot. But by the time someone had gathered some water and brought it back home, it would be lukewarm – not good for cleaning and bathing nor good for a refreshing drink. How might this affect the way you perceive the “lukewarm” that Jesus describes in verse 16? How can we avoid being lukewarm in this context?
  10. Look back at how Jesus describes himself in the first verse in each letter to each of the churches. What is the significance of each of these descriptions? Why would Jesus use different imagery for each church?

Key Words/Phrase

Message to Church (overcoming), vv. 5, 12, 21.


God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Messengers of Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea, David, John, Satan.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21.