Revelation Chapter 20 Summary

Satan bound for the Kingdom age. The first resurrection. Satan loosed at the end of the millenium, and his final doom. Judgment of the great White Throne.

Discussion Questions for Revelation, Chapter 20

  1. Why will the dragon be set free for a short time after his 1,000 years in the abyss? Is there any connection between this and the fact an angel was the one that put him there?
  2. Why is it that the martyrs were the ones given the authority to judge? Why is God selecting them over any other people group?
  3. Having read this passage, can being a martyr be considered a privilege? How can this be?
  4. What detail from verse 10 allows us to know that God was the one that cast Satan into the lake instead of an angel?
  5. How does verse 11 convey the immense power God has over heaven and earth? How can we remind ourselves of this truth daily, and how can that give us strength?
  6. What does verse 12 and the image of the book of life tell us about God’s judgment? Does this understanding bring you comfort?
  7. Verse 13 displays that we will not be able to hide our sin and he will always uncover it. Should this make us nervous, or should we take that knowledge and just give every part of our lives to him since we can never hide?
  8. In verse 14 we see the contrast of the second deaths. The second death of the martyrs is a privilege, and the second death of Hades is in a lake of fire. What is the significance of this?
  9. It continues to say whoever’s name is not in the book of life will have the same fate as Hades in the lake of fire. How can we have the same fate as Hades just because we didn't place our faith in God during our life? Is this too harsh?
  10. In what ways does this passage remind us of the importance of being in the book of life? How does this affect our own lives or sharing the gospel with others?

Key Words/Phrase

Judgment, vv. 2, 11.


God, Christ, John, angel, Satan.

Strong Verse(s)

4, 6, 12.