Revelation Chapter 17 Summary

The doom of Babylon, the last great ecclesiastical order.

Discussion Questions for Revelation, Chapter 17

  1. Who is the woman in Revelation 17? What does she symbolize? Why is it important to properly identify her?
  2. What is the relationship between the woman and the beast? How is the sexually immoral woman connected to this false religion that the beast made?
  3. How do you see foreshadowings of the woman and the beast today? Are the woman and the beast active today? Why or why not?
  4. Compare the way the woman is dressed with the way Christ’s Bride is dressed in 19:7–8. What do these things symbolize? How can you prepare yourself for this day?
  5. Babylon has not existed as a city for thousands of years. Why does John mention it here in chapter 17? What does Babylon symbolize? Why does John mention that it has power over the kings of the earth in verse 18?
  6. What does water represent throughout the Bible? What does water represent in this chapter? What connections can be made? Why is the woman “seated on many waters” (verse 1, CSB)?
  7. What could the seven mountains (verse 9, CSB) represent? What might this have meant to an ancient reader? How does this help interpret the identity and purpose of the beast?
  8. Why is the name written on the woman's forehead a mystery? What other mysteries are there in Scripture? How does God reveal mysteries to His people, and how can we seek understanding through His Word and Spirit?
  9. Verse 17 can be difficult to interpret correctly. Did God put this evil into the people’s hearts? How should we understand this verse?
  10. Verse 14 continues the “conqueror” verbiage we found in chapters 1-3. How can we be conquerors? What makes you a conqueror? Read Revelation 5:6. How does this image of a slaughtered Lamb having final victory give you hope?

Key Words/Phrase

Mystery Babylon, v. 5.


Christ, John, 7 angels, beast.

Strong Verse(s)