Revelation Chapter 15 Summary

Vision of the angels of the seven last plagues and the bowls of the wrath of God.

Discussion Questions for Revelation, Chapter 15

  1. God's wrath will be completed some day. What do you think that will look like? How does God's wrath differ from our wrath?
  2. What do the golden bowls of God's wrath symbolize in Revelation 15? How does this concept of divine wrath align with God's character as portrayed in other parts of the Bible?
  3. The people began singing when they realized that victory had been won. Where else does this happen in the Bible? Have you ever had a victory in your life so great that you couldn't help but praise God? What was that time?
  4. What is the significance of the sea of glass mingled with fire in Revelation 15:2? How does this imagery contrast with the concept of judgment by fire seen in other biblical passages?
  5. What is the song of Moses? What connections can be made between the Exodus story and this passage?
  6. “Just and true are your ways, King of the nations” (Verse 3, CSB). How has God shown justice and truth in your life? If His ways are just and true, why is He bringing so much destruction in the book of Revelation?
  7. Whether you like it or not, one day you will praise the Lord. This will either be in victorious triumph with the Lamb, or in despair as you realize your eternal fate in Hell. How does this give you an urgency to bring the Gospel to your loved ones? Who will you commit to share with this week?
  8. Even though this gives hope to those that will endure during the end, how does chapter 15 give you hope for today? How would it have given hope to the reader in the early Church?
  9. Notice that the people singing praise did not mention the immense suffering they endured to get to this point in the story. How does this put into perspective the “suffering” that we endure as Christians today and how often we complain about it? What can you do to try to maintain this kind of perspective?
  10. No one could enter the temple at the end of chapter 15. What are some other times when people could not enter the presence of the Lord? Are you able to be in the presence of the Lord? How do you know?

Key Words/Phrase

Wrath of God, vv. 1, 7.


Christ, John, 7 angels, Moses, 4 beasts.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 4.