Revelation Chapter 13 Summary
The beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth.
Discussion Questions for Revelation, Chapter 13
- What does it mean for the names on the heads to be blasphemous? What do these heads, horns, and crowns represent?
- Read Daniel 7. What do the beasts in Daniel (and the description of the beast in Revelation) represent? How does the order of the beasts compare to the order of the beasts in Revelation? Why is this significant?
- Chapter 13 depicts a sort of “unholy trinity”: the dragon, the beast from the sea (the antichrist), and the beast from the earth (the false prophet). Why do you think that Satan tries to copy the true Trinity in this way? Why is this effective? How has Satan copied the Lord in Scripture?
- “The beast was given a mouth...” (verse 4, CSB). Read Exodus 4:11. Who gave this mouth to the beast? How is the beast fulfilling the will of the Lord even through its rebellion from the Lord? Where else in Scripture do we see something similar happen?
- Why do you think the beast will be given authority to wage war against Christians? How does verse 7 contrast Revelation 7:9–10? What connections can be made here?
- The false prophet in verse 11 has characteristics that resemble Christ, but speaks like Satan. Jesus warned that there will be false prophets, but how does this false prophet stand above all the others? What are some characteristics of false prophets today?
- During Jesus’ ministry on earth, he often refused to perform signs that would prove that he was the Messiah. What does the false prophet do? Why do you think the people would turn to him so quickly instead of following the Lord?
- The false prophet will be able to perform many signs and miracles, so if he appears during your lifetime, how will you be able to identify him? What distinguishes him from Jesus Christ?
- Be careful with verses 16–18. Many people have tried to unravel the mystery of “the mark of the beast.” Is there a higher meaning that we can glean from these verses? What is the significance of every person—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—needing to obtain this mark? How do you think you’ll be able to identify the mark when the time comes?
- At the end of chapter 13, we reach the middle of the Great Tribulation, and it is the darkest point in human history. Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet have seemingly won over the world and even control the world's economy. If you found yourself in this time, how would you persevere? What would bring you hope? What gives you hope today?
Key Words/Phrase
Two beasts, vv. 1, 11.
God, Christ, John, false prophet, anti-christ, Satan.
Strong Verse(s)