Revelation Chapter 11 Summary

Times of the Gentiles to end in a period of forty-two months. Two heavenly witnesses will prophecy on the earth. The seventh trumpet judgment.

Discussion Questions for Revelation, Chapter 11

  1. Some readers try to spiritualize verses 1 and 2 and say that these verses are describing the Church. What are some problems with this? What does the text actually say? How should readers know when it is appropriate to spiritualize a text and when it is not appropriate to do so?
  2. Why is John given the task to measure the rebuilt temple? What does this signify?
  3. What is the significance of the number of months and days found in verses 2 & 3? Feel free to skip to Revelation chapter 13 or to read Daniel chapter 9. Do you think that believers will still be on the earth during this time? Use Scripture to make your case.
  4. Read Zechariah 4. Who do you think the witnesses are? What is their purpose? What does it take to stand before the Lord?
  5. The Lord brought the witnesses for a specific purpose: to testify. Once they had finished testifying, the Lord allowed the beast to kill them. What is your purpose according to the Lord? How can you know?
  6. Babylon is known as the “Great City,” and the Lord describes it as Sodom and Egypt. What are these places known for in Scripture? What does Babylon look like now?
  7. Despite not following the Lord and submitting to his ways, the book of Revelation says in 11:8 that “their Lord was crucified” in the great city. Why does John describe Jesus as their Lord? If Jesus is these people's Lord, why should we follow him today?
  8. What are some similarities between Jesus and the two witnesses’ death, burial, resurrection, and ascension? What are some differences? Why might these differences exist?
  9. Verse 15 states that the “kingdom” (CSB) of the world has become the kingdom of Christ. All over the rest of the Bible, the nations are referred to as the “kingdoms” (plural), but here, it is a singular “kingdom.” Why do the voices from Heaven describe it this way? What has changed?
  10. Make a list of all the ways the Lord has been good to the nations. Why are the nations angry with Him? Now do the same with you. How has the Lord been good to you? You might not be angry with Him, but what is keeping you from showing your full gratitude to Him?

Key Words/Phrase

Tribulation, witnesses, v. 3.


God, Holy Spirit, Christ, John, two witnesses, beast, elders.

Strong Verse(s)

15, 18.