Revelation Chapter 10 Summary

Parenthetical explanation (to 11:14). The angel and the little book. The book eaten.

Discussion Questions for Revelation, Chapter 10

  1. Make a list of all the characteristics of this angel. Who is this mighty angel? How do you know?
  2. What is the significance of the angel placing one foot on land and one on the sea?
  3. Why might the Lord tell John to seal up what the thunders said? What else has the Lord kept veiled from us? Is He right to do so? Why?
  4. This angel (Jesus) lifted his hand to heaven, as if giving an oath. Why would Jesus need to give an oath? Has the Lord given an oath before? Where?
  5. Where is the Lord in verse 6? How does this verse affirm the doctrine of the Trinity?
  6. Read 2 Peter 3:1–9. The Lord has been delaying his judgment. Why? What might have caused Him to judge the world at this time?
  7. What is the mystery mentioned in verse 7? Why do you think the Lord decided to keep this a secret until this appointed time?
  8. The Lord did not force John to take the word and eat it, and He won’t do that to you either. Are you eager to take in the Word of the Lord? What needs to change in your life to reflect eagerness in this aspect?
  9. Sometimes God’s Word is sweet and encouraging; other times, it is bitter and convicting. What do you do to continue taking in God’s Word even through the convicting parts? What kind of mindset must you have?
  10. John’s task was not yet complete, just as ours is not yet complete either. How are you helping complete the task of bringing the Gospel to every tribe, people, nation, and language? If you feel like you’re not currently contributing to this mission, what can you start to do today?

Key Words/Phrase

Little book, v. 2.


John, mighty angel.

Strong Verse(s)