Revelation Chapter 1 Summary
The Patmos vision of John and the command to write.
Discussion Questions for Revelation, Chapter 1
- Who is John? Why is it important to know who he is? What influences might he have had that would cause him to write Revelation the way he did?
- What do you do to be in God’s word each day? What benefits would reading God’s word out loud have? What other ways can we keep God’s word close to our hearts?
- Verse 3 (CSB) says that “the time is near.” Is that true? It's been almost 2000 years since Revelation was written, so why do you think John wrote that “the time is near” when so much time has passed?
- Does verse 7 mean that everyone will be saved if everyone will “mourn over him” (CSB)? Why or why not? What Scriptures can you use to make your case?
- What does it mean that John is a “brother and partner in the affliction, kingdom, and endurance that are in Jesus” (verse 9, CSB)? How have you joined in his affliction in your life? What about the kingdom and endurance?
- What does it mean to be “in the Spirit” (verse 10, CSB)? What are some markers of a person that is in the Spirit? Do you exhibit those qualities? Why or why not?
- What does each of the descriptions of Jesus in verses 13–16 mean? John uses a large amount of symbolism in Revelation, so what are some ways we can identify it?
- The phrase “Son of Man” was one of Jesus’ favorite ways to reference himself in the Gospels (Matthew in particular). Where does this phrase come from? Why does Jesus use it so often? Why do you think John uses it here in verse 13?
- How do verses 8 and 17 relate? How can you use these verses (among others) to combat an argument that Jesus is not God? Why is it important that we acknowledge that Jesus is God?
- As we read through the letters to the seven churches, why do you think Jesus chose these seven? There were many churches at the time of this writing, even though Christianity was a fairly new belief. Which church do you think your local church needs to learn from? Why?
Key Words/Phrase
Revelation, v. 1.
God, Christ, Holy Spirit, John.
Strong Verse(s)
3, 5, 6, 7, 18.