Choose a chapter to view the questions

  • Revelation, Chapter 1: The Patmos vision of John and the command to write.
  • Revelation, Chapter 2: Message to Ephesus concerning things "which are." Their first love left. Message to Pergamos concerning false doctrines. Message to Smyrna concerning persecutions. Message to Thyatira concerning Balaamism and Nicolaitanism.
  • Revelation, Chapter 3: Message to Sardis concerning their hypocrisy. Message to Philadelphia on hollow profession. Message to Laodicea on apostasy. Christ's attitude to the Church in its final stage in the world.
  • Revelation, Chapter 4: Things which shall be. Vision of the throne in heaven, the enthroned elders, the four living creatures and their worship with the elders because of creation.
  • Revelation, Chapter 5: Vision of the seven sealed books. Christ seen in His Kingly character. Angels, elders and living creatures exalt the Lamb who is King.
  • Revelation, Chapter 6: The opening of the seals.
  • Revelation, Chapter 7: A parenthetical chapter on the saved of the tribulation period. The remnant of Israel sealed.
  • Revelation, Chapter 8: Opening of the seventh seal from which seven trumpets come. Four of the trumpet judgments announced.
  • Revelation, Chapter 9: Judgments of the fifth and sixth trumpets.
  • Revelation, Chapter 10: Parenthetical explanation (to 11:14). The angel and the little book. The book eaten.
  • Revelation, Chapter 11: Times of the Gentiles to end in a period of forty-two months. Two heavenly witnesses will prophecy on the earth. The seventh trumpet judgment.
  • Revelation, Chapter 12: The woman clothed with the sun (Israel). Satan drawing the stars. The man-child (Christ) caught up to the throne. The arch-angel and his angels fighting Satan. Satan and Israel in the great Tribulation.
  • Revelation, Chapter 13: The beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth.
  • Revelation, Chapter 14: Vision of the Lamb and the 144,000 sealed Israelites. The angel with the everlasting gospel. Fall of Babylon. The doom of the beast worshippers. Blessedness of the holy dead. Vision of Armageddon.
  • Revelation, Chapter 15: Vision of the angels of the seven last plagues and the bowls of the wrath of God.
  • Revelation, Chapter 16: Vials of God's wrath poured out.
  • Revelation, Chapter 17: The doom of Babylon, the last great ecclesiastical order.
  • Revelation, Chapter 18: Last form of apostate Christendom and the warning to God's people. The human and the angelic views of Babylon.
  • Revelation, Chapter 19: Parenthetical chapter on what is taking place in heaven while the Tribulation rages. The alleluias, marriage of the Lamb, second coming in glory, Armageddon, doom of the beast, False Prophet, and kings.
  • Revelation, Chapter 20: Satan bound for the Kingdom age. The first resurrection. Satan loosed at the end of the millenium, and his final doom. Judgment of the great White Throne.
  • Revelation, Chapter 21: The seven new things of the Kingdom age earth, peoples, Jerusalem, temple, light, Paradise (Chap. 22).
  • Revelation, Chapter 22: The New Paradise and its river of the water of life. The last exhortation of Christ to be ready for His second coming.