Psalms Chapter 97 Summary
The comfort of God's people, arising from His sovereign dominion.
Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 97
- What does it signify that the psalmist declares the Lord as the one who reigns in verse 1? How else could this declaration be articulated?
- In what ways can we apply the exhortation to “hate evil” in verse 10 to our daily lives and choices?
- From verse 2, what insights do we gain about the righteousness and justice of God? (ESV)
- Who are called to rejoice in the Lord’s righteous judgments in verse 8, and what does this reveal about the universal scope of God’s sovereignty?
- How is God’s glory depicted in verse 6, and what significance does this hold for the nations? Why?
- How essential is it for all people to hate evil, as mentioned in verse 10, and why?
- How important is it for us to acknowledge God’s supremacy over all idols and false gods, as emphasized in Psalm 97?
- What implications does Psalm 97 have for believers in terms of trusting in God’s righteousness and seeking refuge in Him?
- In what practical ways can we apply the exhortation to rejoice in the Lord’s righteous judgments in our daily lives and interactions?
- Why is it significant that Psalm 97 portrays God as a righteous judge who upholds justice and righteousness?
Key Words/Phrase
Exalted, v. 9.
God, Psalmist.
Strong Verse(s)
10, 11.