Psalms Chapter 91 Summary

The preservation of those whose confidence is in God.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 91

  1. How does the author in this chapter convey a sense of security? Do you find yourself trusting in God’s sovereign and loving protection as portrayed here?
  2. When considering God’s loving and sovereign protection for his people, do you believe it depends on the recipient or solely on His divine will? Why?
  3. Can you recall a specific moment or period in your life where you experienced God’s sovereign and loving protection? How did this experience shape your perspective?
  4. What are the main assurances or commitments highlighted in this chapter?
  5. When you read about “pestilence that stalks in the darkness,” which illness comes to mind? Who among your family or friends could benefit from the promises in this passage? (NASB)
  6. What does this chapter mention that God will protect us from? What are examples from your life of how God has protected you?
  7. Which descriptive attributes of God's nature stand out to you when reading verses 14–16?
  8. What obstacles do you encounter in fully trusting in God’s loving and sovereign protection? Why are these challenges significant?
  9. Considering verse 16, which holds greater value: God’s earthly protection or the eternal glory of salvation? Explain your reasoning.
  10. In verses 3b, 5, 6, and 7, the Psalmist employs metaphorical language to describe God's protection. What do these metaphors signify across various translations?

Key Words/Phrase

Refuge, v. 9.


God, Psalmist, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)

1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11.