Psalms Chapter 87 Summary
God's favor to Zion and His great love for it.
Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 87
- Why does the Lord love Zion? (NASB) How does this relate to Psalm 2?
- What is the significance of being referred to as the “city of God”? (NASB) How does this relate to Revelation 21–22?
- How does this text relate to Zechariah 8? (NASB)
- What is the relationship of Zion to places such as Babylon? (NASB) Look up Genesis 11, Daniel 1:1-2, and Revelation 17-18. How has Babylon been associated with evil?
- What is the significance of the Lord establishing Zion?
- What does it mean to have joy? How do we have joy regardless of our circumstances?
- What is different about Zion from the rest of Israel? Why did God choose Zion as His dwelling place?
- What is significant about God being referred to as the “Most High”? (NASB) How do we give God His proper reverence in our lives?
- How does God want those who have musical talent to use it to glorify Him?
- What does the text teach us about how we are to view the nation of Israel?
Key Words/Phrase
Zion, v. 2.
God, Psalmist.
Strong Verse(s)