Psalms Chapter 87 Summary

God's favor to Zion and His great love for it.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 87

  1. Why does the Lord love Zion? (NASB) How does this relate to Psalm 2?
  2. What is the significance of being referred to as the “city of God”? (NASB) How does this relate to Revelation 21–22?
  3. How does this text relate to Zechariah 8? (NASB)
  4. What is the relationship of Zion to places such as Babylon? (NASB) Look up Genesis 11, Daniel 1:1-2, and Revelation 17-18. How has Babylon been associated with evil?
  5. What is the significance of the Lord establishing Zion?
  6. What does it mean to have joy? How do we have joy regardless of our circumstances?
  7. What is different about Zion from the rest of Israel? Why did God choose Zion as His dwelling place?
  8. What is significant about God being referred to as the “Most High”? (NASB) How do we give God His proper reverence in our lives?
  9. How does God want those who have musical talent to use it to glorify Him?
  10. What does the text teach us about how we are to view the nation of Israel?

Key Words/Phrase

Zion, v. 2.


God, Psalmist.

Strong Verse(s)