Psalms Chapter 81 Summary

God chides His people for their ingratitude and pictures their happy state had they but obeyed Him.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 81

  1. Why do you think the Bible places so much importance on worshipping the Lord through music?
  2. Why is it important that Israel take time to remember what God did for them in Egypt? Why is it important that we remember what God has done for us?
  3. What is significant about the “waters of Meribah”? (NASB) How do we avoid sin in our lives?
  4. Why is it necessary for God to admonish His people? How do we ensure we are listening to God?
  5. Why do you think Idolatry was attractive to the Israelites? In what ways can we fall into Idolatry?
  6. What are the consequences of not listening to God? How do we, as believers, hold each other accountable to obedience?
  7. What does it mean that God gave them over to their stubbornness? How does this relate to Romans 1:18–30? (NASB)
  8. Why did God tell Israel to open their mouth wide, and He would fill it? How do we get fed spiritually?
  9. Why is it important that God will punish His enemies forever? What does God require for us to escape His judgment?
  10. Why is it notable that God promised to bless Israel with an abundance of food? How do we see God's blessings when we are obedient?

Key Words/Phrase

Abandoned, v. 12.


God, Asaph, Joseph, Jacob.

Strong Verse(s)

10, 16.