Psalms Chapter 80 Summary

The tokens of God's favor besought and the former blessings cited as a basis for present deliverance.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 80

  1. In your own words, describe what it means for the Lord to be a shepherd. What are some examples of the Lord shepherding you?
  2. What are we asking for when we ask the Lord to restore us? How is this restoration more than the initial act of salvation?
  3. The Psalmist asks for the face of the Lord to shine three times in this chapter. What does it mean for the Lord’s face to shine? In what ways does the Lord’s face shine?
  4. When is a time when you have felt that your prayers made God angry? What causes your heart to feel this way towards the Lord?
  5. In what ways is God constantly faithful to his plan, even when it feels like we are in complete darkness? Share about a time when this was true in your own life.
  6. Identify the descriptions the Psalmist uses to describe those who are opposed to God? Which of these resonates most with you? Would you place yourself in these groups of people? Why or why not?
  7. How would you explain being seen by God? Describe a time in your life when you did not feel seen by God. How did God make Himself known to you in those times?
  8. In verses 14–18, the Psalmist calls upon God to do something He had started in the past. What does this teach us about God? How does the work of God in the past give us confidence in His future work?
  9. How do verses 17–18 point to Jesus? How does the entire Psalm point to Jesus?
  10. Explain why there is nothing that can stand against God's plan for His people. How can we remind ourselves of this during trying times?

Key Words/Phrase

Turn us again vv. 3, 7, 14, 19.


God , Asaph .

Strong Verse(s)