Psalms Chapter 8 Summary
Meditation on the majesty of God's works and the insignificance of man.
Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 8
- “O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” (ESV) This is repeated in the first and last verse of this psalm, a form of repetition called anaphora, which brings attention to the repeated phrase. How and why do you think that this one is being emphasized in Psalm 8?
- What does it mean in verse 1 that God has “set his glory above the heavens”? (ESV) Do we always give God the glory he is due? Why or why not?
- Do you think David was being literal in verse 2? If not, what do you think he meant? What does this say about the character of God?
- Based on this psalm, what is David’s view of man apart from God? What about his view of man in light of God?
- Read verses 3–4. How might these verses inspire thanksgiving from believers? How do they inspire worship of God?
- What does it mean to you when you hear that God is “mindful” of you and “cares” for you? (ESV) Are you living in such a way as if this is true, or do you depend more upon yourself than on God? Why might that be?
- According to verses 5–8, who is the reason man has “glory and honor”? (ESV) Man or God? How can this serve to both humble and encourage believers?
- What are “the heavenly beings” mentioned in verse 5? What does it mean to be made “a little lower” than them? (ESV) Is man less valued by God than them? Why or why not?
- If we have been given dominion over the things on earth, then we have both authority over them and a responsibility to care for them. How have Christians been successful in caring for the earth and all that lies in it? How have Christians failed in this? What should the role of the church be in this?
- Which verses in this psalm highlight the power and sovereignty of God? What should our response be in light of these verses?
Key Words/Phrase
Excellence, vv. 1, 9.
God, David.
Strong Verse(s)
4, 5, 9.