Psalms Chapter 76 Summary
The glory of God's power celebrated.
Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 76
- What does it mean for the name of God to be great? How does God make His own name great? How do believers make His name great?
- In what ways has the Lord demonstrated his majesty in your life? When you look out at His wonderful creation, what proclaims his majesty?
- What does the protection of the Lord look like in the life of the believer? How has he protected you personally?
- What does the Psalmist mean for the Lord to be feared? How do Christians model a fear of the Lord?
- What are some examples in Scripture of the Lord being angered? In these examples, how did the person and group respond?
- What is the wrath of man? How does it differ from the wrath of God?
- Explain what it looks like for a believer to make and perform vows to the Lord. Consider Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount pertaining to making vows. See Matthew 5:33-37.
- What gifts can we bring before the Lord? How do these gifts honor the Lord?
- Who can stand before the Lord? What can be expected when someone stands before the Lord?
- What has Jesus done that makes it possible for believers to stand before the Lord? In what ways is standing before the Lord different between believers and non-believers?
Key Words/Phrase
Greatness (of God), v. 1.
God , Asaph .
Strong Verse(s)
7, 10.