Psalms Chapter 76 Summary

The glory of God's power celebrated.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 76

  1. What does it mean for the name of God to be great? How does God make His own name great? How do believers make His name great?
  2. In what ways has the Lord demonstrated his majesty in your life? When you look out at His wonderful creation, what proclaims his majesty?
  3. What does the protection of the Lord look like in the life of the believer? How has he protected you personally?
  4. What does the Psalmist mean for the Lord to be feared? How do Christians model a fear of the Lord?
  5. What are some examples in Scripture of the Lord being angered? In these examples, how did the person and group respond?
  6. What is the wrath of man? How does it differ from the wrath of God?
  7. Explain what it looks like for a believer to make and perform vows to the Lord. Consider Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount pertaining to making vows. See Matthew 5:33-37.
  8. What gifts can we bring before the Lord? How do these gifts honor the Lord?
  9. Who can stand before the Lord? What can be expected when someone stands before the Lord?
  10. What has Jesus done that makes it possible for believers to stand before the Lord? In what ways is standing before the Lord different between believers and non-believers?

Key Words/Phrase

Greatness (of God), v. 1.


God , Asaph .

Strong Verse(s)

7, 10.