Psalms Chapter 74 Summary

The deplorable condition of God's people spread before Him with petition for deliverance.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 74

  1. When was a time when you felt abandoned by God? Explain how God revealed himself to you in that time?
  2. Explain in your own words what it means to be purchased and redeemed by God? How does this Psalm point to the fullness of Christ?
  3. Who would you consider to be a “foe” of God (v. 4)? Who does the Bible consider to be a “foe” of God? How can you identify a “foe”?
  4. How would you explain the sanctuary of God? What does it look like for the sanctuary of God to be profaned? How have you profaned the sanctuary of God through your own words or actions?
  5. What cause God to feel distant from the believer at times? How do you respond when you feel like God is distant and you can no longer hear Him?
  6. The Psalmist uses this phrase, “How long, O God?” Describe a time when you have felt that God had tarried in responding to you. How did you feel during this time? How did God reveal Himself to you, even in a dark season?
  7. How does the Psalmist describe the power of God in verses 12–17? Explain which of these resonates with the most and why?
  8. The Psalmist highlights God being sovereign in verses 16 and 17. How would you explain what it means for God to own the day and night and that He has set the boundaries of the earth? In what ways do we live daily reflecting these two truths?
  9. What is the Psalmist doing when he calls on the Lord to “remember” or “arise”? When was a time when you called on the Lord to remember something about Himself? When we call on God to arise or remember something about Himself, what is that teaching us about Him?
  10. In your own words, what does it look like for God to defend His cause? In what ways has and does God use you to defend His cause?

Key Words/Phrase

Desolations, v. 3.


God , Asaph .

Strong Verse(s)