Psalms Chapter 60 Summary

Prayer for the deliverance of God's people from enemies.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 60

  1. Does this Psalm give us any indication on why the Lord has rejected his people? Why do you think that is?
  2. Verse 11 states “vain is the salvation of man” (ESV), what does this mean? How would you explain the salvation of man?
  3. Why does God allow his people to feel rejected?
  4. Could you think of another biblical example of God rejecting his people for their good? What does this tell us about God?
  5. What does it mean to fear God? Is this a virtue? Why or why not?
  6. What is the importance of David mentioning in verse 1 that the Lord “have rejected” (ESV) after they have lost a battle? Why would David equate those two things together?
  7. How would you utilize verse 12 to someone who would say “You have to let go and let God”? Is that statement true or false? Why?
  8. How does verse 3 “you have made your people see hard things” (ESV) affirm divine discipline? Is the discipline of the Lord good for us? Why or why not?
  9. How does it make you feel that David calls the Israelites God's “beloved ones”? How does this apply to us today?
  10. Has there been a time in your life where you felt like God was punishing you? What did you learn from that outcome?

Key Words/Phrase

Prayer, vv. 1, 11.


God, David.

Strong Verse(s)

11, 12.