Psalms - Chapter-57

Chapter Summary

David in faith pleads God's mercy in his calamities.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 57

  1. First, compare and contrast v.4 and v.6 to v.7-11. What does this tell you about David during this time? How can this spur us to do the same?
  2. What are some examples of how God "send[s] out his steadfast love and faithfulness!" (ESV)? How can this encourage us?
  3. What are some things we learn about David from this Psalm? How is this important to understanding the life of David?
  4. What does it mean that God's steadfast love is "great to the heavens" and "[his] faithfulness to the clouds" (ESV)? What do you think David means by this?
  5. Do you truly believe that God sends you help on high? If so, do your actions truly reflect that? How should your actions change as a result?
  6. Why is it important to sing to the Lord? Why does David do that in this Psalm? Do you "sing praises to [God] among the nations?"
  7. What is so bad about speaking falsely about someone? Why does this passage speak about tongues as "sharp swords" (ESV)?
  8. What does it mean when David says "Let your glory be over all the Earth!" (ESV)? How do you have a passion for God's glory to reign on the Earth?
  9. How could this Psalm be used to show the importance of global missions?
  10. How would you use this Psalm to comfort yourself in the midst of difficulties? How would you use it to comfort a young child who is upset? What from this Psalm would you utilize?

Key Words/Phrase

Calamities, v. 1.


God, David.

Strong Verse(s)