Psalms Chapter 53 Summary
The foolishness and iniquity of atheism.
Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 53
- Verse 1 states, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good.” (ESV) What should this tell you about the human condition? Why does humanity not seek after God?
- Why is it important that God searches for people who seek after Him? What does this tell you about His character?
- How can you become one who searches out for God? Is this impossible or not? Explain.
- How do you explain/reconcile that “the fool says in his heart, There is no God” to some of humanity's greatest thinkers being atheists?
- If this passage speaks about God's wrath on unbelievers, how is this Psalm relevant to Christians?
- Can you find a modern example of evil in our world? How would this scripture apply to that?
- How can we overcome evil in this world? What are some suggestions for that? What scriptures can we apply to help us overcome evil?
- How is it possible that God can say “no one seeks after God” (ESV)? What about those in Bible studies and those who go to church consistently? How would you reconcile this scripture with that?
- What do we learn about God's holiness in this Psalm? How does this apply to you?
- How are you tempted to not seek after God? Give specific examples and explain why that is.
Key Words/Phrase
Atheist, v. 1.
Strong Verse(s)