Psalms - Chapter-35

Chapter Summary

An appeal to heaven for the confusion of enemies.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 35

  1. How does this Psalm teach us that there is a place for direct prayers of deliverance? How can this impact your prayer life?
  2. In verses 1-3 we see David asking The Lord to plead his cause. What was David’s cause? What was he needing The Lord to do for him? Have you ever asked God to plead your cause?
  3. In verse 3 David requests that The Lord say to his soul "I am your salvation". What can be taken away from this request? How does this teach us that rest and relief can be found in being reminded of our salvation?
  4. Psalm 35:10, "All my bones shall say, "O LORD, who is like you, delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him, the poor and needy from him who robs him?" (ESV) What differing emotions take place in this passage? How does David balance praising God while also pouring out his woes?
  5. What type of injustice do you see take place in verses 12-15? How do you see this injustice taking place today?
  6. What promises does The Lord give us when we are facing betrayal? How does this Psalm show us how to pray in the midst of hatred from others?
  7. Considering the New Testament command to love and pray for your enemies, how can we still glean wisdom and discernment from David request for justice and vengeance?
  8. What is it like seeing David ask that The Lord not be silent or turn away from him?
  9. Psalm 35:24, "Vindicate me, O LORD, my God, according to your righteousness, and let them not rejoice over me!" (ESV) What is crucial to note from this verse? How does it differ from asking for fleshly revenge?
  10. What kind of shift takes place from verses 26 to 27? How would the actions in verse 27 vindicate David?

Key Words/Phrase

Persecutors, v. 3.


God, David.

Strong Verse(s)

27, 28.