Psalms Chapter 17 Summary
David prays for relief from the pressure of enemies.
Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 17
- What reason does David give to God that He should “attend to my cry” (ESV)?
- This Psalm describes God as having an “ear,” “eyes,” “lips,” “right hand,” and “wings” (ESV). What does this mean? Are these true of God? Why would David describe Him in these terms?
- Has there ever been a time where you feel like the Lord has not helped you or “been silent” when you had a “just cause” (ESV)? What was the result of that?
- What can we learn from David about whenever it feels like the Lord is silent?
- Maybe no one has “showed you violence” (ESV) for your faith, but can you recall a time that you were ostracized or treated differently because you were a Christian?
- Including verse numbers, list all the things that David requests God to do for him. After doing that, what sort of emotions or feelings are you left with? What if someone in your group shared David’s “prayer requests,” what would you think of them?
- Verse 15 says “when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness.” Do you find yourself satisfied with God the majority of the time? Why are you not more satisfied in Him?
- Why is the Lord sometimes silent? What about times when He is silent even when it feels like He should be doing something?
- According to this Psalm, what is the wicked’s only hope in life? (See v. 14) How does knowing this change your strategy or urgency of sharing the Gospel?
- What can we learn about praying in the midst of opposition from this Psalm?
Key Words/Phrase
Oppressors, v. 9.
God, David.
Strong Verse(s)
8, 15.