Psalms Chapter 150 Summary

The psalmist would fill all the world with God's praises.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 150

  1. Where is the sanctuary of God (ESV)? Is this the only place in which one might praise God? Why or why not?
  2. How have you experienced the “mighty deeds” of the Lord in your own life? (ESV) Have you praised him for these deeds? Why or why not?
  3. How might praising God publicly for what he has done lead others to turn to him? Is this something challenging to do? Why or why not?
  4. According to this psalm, why is God worthy of praise? Do we live as if this is true? Why or why not?
  5. Consider the “greatness” of God (ESV). In the English language, the word “great” has lost some of its power, but what does this word mean in relation to the Lord? How is this different from the “great” rulers throughout history?
  6. According to the second half of this psalm, how are we called to praise God? Is this list complete, or are there other ways in which one might praise the Lord? How?
  7. Think of a time when you were impacted by the worshipful acts of others around you. How did you feel in this moment? Did it draw you closer to God, or distract from Him? Why do you think so?
  8. According to verse 6, “everything that has breath” should praise God (ESV). Have you ever neglected to sing to God because you thought only those who are gifted in singing should do so? How does this verse change your understanding of this?
  9. After reading this psalm, do you believe that praise of God should always be planned and rehearsed? Why or why not? Do you think God values spontaneous praise more or less than rehearsed praise? Why or why not?
  10. Think of specific reasons you have had this week to praise the Lord. Have you remembered to do so? If not, what are practical ways to remember? If you can’t think of a specific reason to praise God, does this mean you should not praise Him? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

Praise, v. 1.



Strong Verse(s)