Psalms Chapter 147 Summary
A call to praise God. The greatness and condescending goodness of the Lord celebrated.
Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 147
- In your opinion or experience, why do you believe “it is good to sing praises to our God” (ESV)?
- How is the power and sovereignty of God displayed throughout this psalm? List specific verses. What should our proper response be when we consider this? Why?
- In verse 3, we learn that God heals and restores the broken. Have you ever experienced His healing power in your life? How? How might you share this with others as a testament to God’s faithfulness?
- How does it make you feel when you read that the Lord’s “understanding is beyond measure” (ESV)? Do you ever feel as if no one can relate to what you are going through or how you are feeling? How does this verse bring hope to these situations?
- Many times throughout the Bible we see the Lord exalting or “lifting up” the humble. If the point of humility is to think of yourself less, how can you realistically strive for it?
- Read verse 11. God has created countless beautiful things, and yet He chooses to delight in us. How should this affect the way believers think about themselves? How should this affect the way believers interact with God?
- What do you think it means to “hope in” the steadfast love of God (ESV)? Is this similar to the way we hope in the love of others, such as friends and family? How is it different?
- How are God’s chosen people set apart in this psalm? How does God distinguish the care and love he demonstrates towards his children?
- Note how God administers his power in verses 15, 18, and 19. What do you think it means that he “sends out” or “declares his word” (ESV)? In what ways is this similar to how earthly kings demonstrate power? In what ways is this different?
- The people of God are unique in this psalm in that they have been given the “statutes and rules” of God (v. 19, ESV). Why is this so important? Do you think it is possible to please the Lord without knowing his “statutes and rules”? Why or why not?
Key Words/Phrase
Jehovah's greatness, v. 5.
Strong Verse(s)
5, 11.