Psalms Chapter 145 Summary

David engages himself and others to praise God.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 145

  1. Read through the entire psalm. Is there a specific reason that David is praising God? Does there always have to be a specific reason to praise him? Why or why not?
  2. In verse 1, we see that David “blesses” the name of God. What does it mean to “bless” God's name? How is this different from when God blesses believers?
  3. List the action verbs which David uses to praise the Lord throughout this psalm. Which ones stick out to you? Which ones are a part of your daily life, and which ones do you lack? How might you incorporate one which you do not normally do into your life?
  4. In verse 4, what do you think David means by this statement: “One generation shall commend your works to another” (ESV)? Do we see this in the church today? How?
  5. What do you think it means to be “slow to anger” (ESV)? Does this mean the Lord is never angry? Are there times when anger, then, is righteous? Why or why not?
  6. How is the Lord “good to all”? Do you think this applies even to people who are not believers? Why or why not?
  7. Read verse 12. How do believers today “make known” the “mighty deeds” of God (ESV)? Are you actively engaged in this mission? How? If not, what are some practical ways this week that you can make God known in your community?
  8. What comfort is there for people who are suffering in this passage? How does God demonstrate His faithfulness towards the hurting? Have you witnessed this in your own life? How?
  9. Consider how God cares for those in need in verses 15–16. What does this tell us about the timing of the Lord? How might this be a comfort for believers currently in need? How might this teach believers to trust God more faithfully?
  10. If “The LORD is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works” (v. 17, ESV), why do you believe there is still suffering in the world? Does the existence of evil in any way lessen God's righteousness or kindness? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

Great goodness, v. 7.


God, David.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 8, 14, 16, 18, 19. .