Psalms Chapter 142 Summary

The malice of enemies and expectation of God's deliverance.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 142

  1. Note the descriptive words David uses to describe his prayer to God in verses 1–2. What do these tell us about his emotional state at the time of this prayer? Have you ever been in a similar state when praying? How did God bring you comfort through it?
  2. David boldly addresses his complaints before God. Do you think these were complaints against God himself, or against David’s situation? What difference would this make? Is there a difference at all? Why or why not?
  3. What words of hope are to be found in this psalm? Think of a time when you were brought low. How does David serve as an example here of what our response should be?
  4. When life gets hard, is your first inclination to turn to God? Why or why not? What are some practical ways you could mirror the posture of David towards God?
  5. Read verse 4. Do you think David really believes this, that “no one cares”? How is this feeling relatable to life today?
  6. Note the action words David uses when asking God for rescue in verses 6–7. How are each distinct from one another? Which one sticks out the most to you? Why?
  7. Have you ever felt reluctant to ask God for help? If so, why did you hesitate? Does David’s bold cry for help in this psalm change your willingness to do so? Why or why not?
  8. Though we do not have the recorded response of God's answer to David's prayer, how does the truth that God hears and answers prayers impact the way we read this psalm?
  9. Do you think the “prison” David speaks of in verse 7 is a literal one or a metaphorical one? (ESV) Why do you think so?
  10. Even before his prayers are answered, what hope does David write of at the end of this psalm? How should this affect the believer’s attitude towards prayer today?

Key Words/Phrase

Trouble, v. 2.


God, David.

Strong Verse(s)