Psalms Chapter 119 Summary
The excellency and usefulness of the divine revelation set forth and exhortation to all to make it their meditation and to be governed by it.
Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 119
- What are some unique qualities about this Psalm that you have noticed? How does this affect your view of the Psalm?
- In your opinion, what seems to be the main focus of this Psalm? If you could boil it down to a one-sentence summary, what would that summary be?
- Consider Psalm 1 and Psalm 33. How does Psalm 119 relate to those Psalms?
- Verse 172 states “My tongue will sing of your word” (ESV). What importance do you put on memorizing scripture? Is this a discipline for you? Why or why not?
- How do verses 151-152 encourage you to live in light of eternity? Why is this important?
- Can you think of a time in your life that you didn't esteem God’s word? What was the situation and what was the result of this?
- In verses 97-104, how is God's word described? What are its benefits? Do you live your life with these benefits in mind? Why or why not?
- How would you utilize verse 105 to encourage a fellow believer who is struggling with indecision or a relatively large choice upcoming?
- If we agree that scripture memorization is an important discipline, what are some specific ways we can accomplish that? What has worked for you in the past?
- Consider verses 9-19, what strategies or disciplines can you implement in your life from this passage? What are the potential benefits of that implementation?
Key Words/Phrase
The Word, v. 11.
God, Psalmist.
Strong Verse(s)
11, 18, 27, 89, 105, 130, 160, 165.