Psalms Chapter 111 Summary

Exhortation to praise God for the greatness and glory of His works.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 111

  1. Why do you think the idea of thanking God for provision is something that is nearly absent in the American church today?
  2. When you find yourself praising God, what are the praises centered toward? Meaning, are they centered toward “thank you for giving me...” or “I praise you God for your character...” What does your answer tell you about your current spiritual condition?
  3. What do you think verse 10 means? How could the “fear of the Lord” be the “beginning of wisdom”?
  4. What comes to your mind when you think about the “fear of the Lord”? As a result, what does this tell you about your view of God?
  5. Verse 2 states “Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in him.” What does it mean to “study the works of the Lord”? How would you go about studying the works of the Lord?
  6. This Psalm is all about praising God for his wonderful works. Why do you think it’s important to thank God for his works?
  7. Does anyone have a time in your life where you remembered being so thankful to God for His works? Share your story.
  8. How could you go about encouraging people in your life to give thanks to God for His works?
  9. What are some common causes of unthankfulness to God? How could we prevent that?
  10. What are some things that the world is thankful for? How does this relate or contradict what Christians are thankful for?

Key Words/Phrase

Jehovah's works, vv. 2, 4, 6, 7.


God, Psalmist.

Strong Verse(s)

4, 10.