Psalms Chapter 108 Summary

Thanks to God for His mercies and His promises pleaded.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 108

  1. In your own words, if you had to give a one-sentence summary of this Psalm, what would it be? Explain your answer.
  2. Verse 12 says “vain is the salvation of man” (ESV). In the context of the Psalm, what do you think is the “salvation of man”? Has this changed over time? Why or why not?
  3. What are some of the ways David implores the audience to praise God? (Inward, outward, etc.) Give specific verses and explain your choices.
  4. In verses 8-9, David states that different nations are God's “shoe,” “scepter,” “helmet,” etc. Does this mean God has feet, hands, a head? Explain your answer biblically.
  5. Talk about times in your life where your worship of God has been the deepest? What was different about those times?
  6. What are some ways that you can exalt God in your day-to-day life? Be specific with your answer.
  7. What is the context/conflict in this Psalm? (Look at v. 6, v. 10–13) How does this make your interpretation of the Psalm change, if at all?
  8. What are some things/people/situations that the world exalts today? Why do you think these things are exalted?
  9. How could verse 13 encourage you in your Christian walk? Does this mean that God takes away all of our enemies? Why or why not?
  10. If God’s glory was all over the earth (v. 5), what would be different and why?

Key Words/Phrase

Praise, v. 1.


God, David.

Strong Verse(s)

12, 13.