Psalms Chapter 106 Summary

The badness of Israel made heinous by the great goodness of God.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 106

  1. Why does the Psalmist ask God to remember him when He shows favor to His people? As a result, what does this tell us about the Psalmist?
  2. Psalm 106 is categorized as a historical Psalm, meaning that it recalls God’s love in the midst of Israel’s rebellion and unfaithfulness. Why do you think it is important to be reminded of God’s faithfulness when his people are unfaithful? What does this tell you about the character of God?
  3. In verses 40–42, the Psalmist states that God gave his own people over to the nations. Why would God do this? How could God allow oppression to happen to his own people?
  4. According to verse 45, why does God deliver His people when they are unfaithful? How could this truth encourage believers today?
  5. How could verse 21 speak to our Christian culture today? What are some specific examples that you have seen this? Why do you think this is so common?
  6. According to the Psalm, what are some of the consequences of not being faithful to God? List them with verse numbers. Now begin to brainstorm things in your own life that are consequences of not being faithful to God. Is there a correlation? Explain.
  7. Verse 20 states “they exchanged the glory of God for the image of an ox that eats grass” (ESV). What are some things that people today exchange the glory of God for?
  8. Tell us about a time in your life that you did not “remember the abundance of [God's] steadfast love” (v. 7)? How did this situation start? End? What, if anything, did you learn from it?
  9. What do people prioritize instead of being faithful to God? What are some benefits and consequences of not being faithful to God?
  10. What should we do when we feel the temptation to act in an unfaithful way to God?

Key Words/Phrase

Long Suffering, vv. 43, 45.


God, Psalmist, Moses, Aaron, Dathan, Abiram, Phinehas.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 6.