Psalms - Chapter-105

Chapter Summary

Jehovah extolled for His deliverances of Israel. The coming forth from Egypt described.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 105

  1. In light of v.5, how should Christian encourage themselves in times of trouble? Is this easy for you or difficult?
  2. This Psalm utilizes stories in the OT of the wonderful provisions of God for His people. If we were to utilize this same format for the NT, what are some events of remembrance that we would include? Why or why not?
  3. In today's culture, why do you think it is so difficult to look back and talk about the time before?
  4. How does v.16-17 frame the story of Joseph? Why did God have him sold into slavery? Why was this important?
  5. How should v.8 encourage us about the Bible? Is this something you struggle with? Why or why not?
  6. In v.26-36 the Psalmist describes the events of the Exodus, why is the exodus narrative such an important theme in scripture? Does it have any NT correlation? If so, Explain.
  7. In v.39-45, when speaking about the Manna and quail from heaven and water from the rock the Psalmist makes it seem like the Israelites were content in God's provision. Is this true? And what does this tell us about Humanity?
  8. Why are New Testament Christians today more knowledgeable in the character of God than those Old Testament saints? Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
  9. How would your life be different if you constantly recounted all the ways God was faithful to you?
  10. How can I become more thankful? What are some ideas? Explain how you could implement them in your day to day life.

Key Words/Phrase

Wondrous works; v. 2.


God, Psalmist, Moses, Aaron, Jacob, Joseph, Abraham.

Strong Verse(s)

4, 5.