Psalms Chapter 102 Summary

Sorrowful complaint of great afflictions and a believing prospect of deliverance.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 102

  1. How could someone use this Psalm of distress in their worship? Is this a psalm you would point hurting believers toward? Why or why not?
  2. Share a time in your life that it seemed like the Lord hid His face from you (v. 2)? What did you learn from this time, if anything?
  3. Verse 10 seems to mean that this distress that the Psalmist is going through is caused by the Lord due to His anger. Would you agree with this statement? Why or why not? (Use scripture to back up your answer)
  4. Give some examples from this Psalm that show how the Psalmist is combating his distress. Do you agree with his strategies? What does this tell us about how we are to combat distress?
  5. Have you ever been in a situation where someone actively became your enemy because of your Christian faith? Explain what you learned from that situation. And if not, why don't you think we have more enemies because of our faith?
  6. How does verse 17 encourage us to pray even when we don't know how to pray? What does this tell us about God's attitude towards our prayers?
  7. Why is it important that God is enthroned forever (v. 12)? Why is it often hard for us to view God enthroned?
  8. Say you are witnessing to an unbeliever who is fearful about how the country's trajectory is going. They specifically mention how unjust people seem to rise to success and the rest of us often are left in the dust. How could you utilize specific verses in this Psalm to minister to that person? How would you go about sharing the Gospel through a conversation like that?
  9. Do you struggle with being fully honest with God in your prayers? What are specific areas in which it is difficult to be honest? Why do you think that is?
  10. How would the world change if everyone truly believed that there was a sovereign God in control of the entire universe?

Key Words/Phrase

Prayer, vv. 1, 17.


God, Psalmist.

Strong Verse(s)

17, 25, 26, 27.