Psalms Chapter 1 Summary

The two ways of man.

Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 1

  1. In this chapter, we learn that a “blessed” person is one who acts righteously (ESV). Are the acts listed in verse 1 the only ways one might be considered unrighteous? Why or why not?
  2. Verses 1 and 2 present two different paths of obedience to follow: the path towards sin and wickedness (v. 1) or the path towards righteous living (v. 2). How does this contrast convey which path God desires for his children to follow?
  3. It is not common today to hear someone say that they “delight” in a law. What is the “law of the Lord” mentioned in verse 2? What might it mean to “delight” in this? (ESV)
  4. In verse 2, the Psalmist says that one who delights in the law of the LORD “meditates” on it “day and night” (ESV). What are some ways that a Christian could consistently meditate on Scripture in his or her daily life?
  5. Verse 3 further elaborates on the effects of righteous living. How is the fruit-bearing tree in this verse used as imagery to promote this?
  6. What are some examples of fruits in a Christian’s life whose faith is steadfast? Where have you witnessed this fruit in your own life?
  7. Verse 4 further elaborates on the effects of unrighteous living. How is the chaff mentioned in this verse used as imagery to warn against this? (ESV)
  8. What is the consequence of wicked and sinful living, as mentioned in verse 5? What is the implied consequence of righteous living?
  9. As the Psalmist writes in verse 6, “the LORD knows the way of the righteous” (ESV). What does it mean to be “known” by God?
  10. It is clear throughout this psalm that the wicked ultimately receive judgment. How can this serve as encouragement to believers in a world where the wicked often succeed?

Key Words/Phrase

Godly and ungodly, vv. 1, 4.


God, righteous man, ungodly man.

Strong Verse(s)

2, 3.