Psalms Chapter 1 Summary
The two ways of man.
Discussion Questions for Psalms, Chapter 1
- In this chapter, we learn that a “blessed” person is one who acts righteously (ESV). Are the acts listed in verse 1 the only ways one might be considered unrighteous? Why or why not?
- Verses 1 and 2 present two different paths of obedience to follow: the path towards sin and wickedness (v. 1) or the path towards righteous living (v. 2). How does this contrast convey which path God desires for his children to follow?
- It is not common today to hear someone say that they “delight” in a law. What is the “law of the Lord” mentioned in verse 2? What might it mean to “delight” in this? (ESV)
- In verse 2, the Psalmist says that one who delights in the law of the LORD “meditates” on it “day and night” (ESV). What are some ways that a Christian could consistently meditate on Scripture in his or her daily life?
- Verse 3 further elaborates on the effects of righteous living. How is the fruit-bearing tree in this verse used as imagery to promote this?
- What are some examples of fruits in a Christian’s life whose faith is steadfast? Where have you witnessed this fruit in your own life?
- Verse 4 further elaborates on the effects of unrighteous living. How is the chaff mentioned in this verse used as imagery to warn against this? (ESV)
- What is the consequence of wicked and sinful living, as mentioned in verse 5? What is the implied consequence of righteous living?
- As the Psalmist writes in verse 6, “the LORD knows the way of the righteous” (ESV). What does it mean to be “known” by God?
- It is clear throughout this psalm that the wicked ultimately receive judgment. How can this serve as encouragement to believers in a world where the wicked often succeed?
Key Words/Phrase
Godly and ungodly, vv. 1, 4.
God, righteous man, ungodly man.
Strong Verse(s)
2, 3.