Proverbs - Chapter-5

Chapter Summary

Caution against the sin of whoredom.

Discussion Questions for Proverbs, Chapter 5

  1. Proverbs 5 uses vivid imagery to convey its message. How does the imagery of water and a cistern (verses 15-18) relate to the topic of fidelity and the dangers of adultery? How is the wisdom of keeping your fountain or cistern for yourself is contrary to societal norms? How does this advice infringe upon individual rights?
  2. How can the lessons from Proverbs 5 be applied to modern relationships and marriages? Are there comparable situations or challenges today that align with the message of this proverb? How would relationships improve if the wisdom given in chapter 5 were followed?
  3. The proverb emphasizes personal responsibility in avoiding temptation and staying faithful. What are some practical steps individuals can take to protect their relationships from potential infidelity? What are your viewpoints of the "Mike Pence" rules (cannot be alone with someone of the opposite gender) when meeting with someone of the opposite gender?
  4. Proverbs 5 warns about the bitter consequences of infidelity. In what ways do you think infidelity can impact not only the individuals involved but also families, communities, and society at large? If children are involved in a relationship, how do you think infidelity in a relationship affects their future relationships?
  5. One interpretation of Proverbs 5 could be the importance of open communication and transparency in relationships. How can partners establish an environment of trust where difficult topics can be discussed openly? Which is more helpful, discussing a topic that may "hurt" a partner in the relationship or remaining quiet about the topic that you feel needs to be discussed?
  6. Proverbs 5 acknowledges the natural desires of individuals. How can one balance their desires and the commitment to fidelity in a relationship? What role does self-discipline play?
  7. Proverb 5 implies that the speaker has learned from mistakes and offers advice based on experience. How can we create a culture where individuals can learn from their mistakes without being condemned?
  8. Proverbs 5 contrasts the fleeting pleasure of adultery with the enduring satisfaction of a committed relationship. How can we help individuals prioritize long-term fulfillment over short-term gratification? When would it be okay to issue a "hall pass" in a relationship to reduce the temptation of hiding a time of weakness?
  9. Can Proverbs 5 be used as a teaching tool to impart values like fidelity, respect, and responsibility to younger generations? How can the Bible remain relevant in modern education?
  10. What age would it be appropriate to study Proverbs 5? Why?

Key Words/Phrase

Strange woman, v. 3.


God, Solomon, his son.

Strong Verse(s)

21, 22.